Less Energy with IPK®
Approaching a Tipping Point
The world is approaching an energy tipping point. The amount of electricity energy produced each year is growing but lags behind the increasing rate of electricity consumption, especially in regard to Information Technology & Telecommunications.
In 2024, 5.5% of US Electricity production was consumed by Data Centers. In the next 4 years, (2024-2028) due to the rapidly increasing demand for Artificial Intelligence (AI) processing, this consumption figure is projected to reach 14% of US Electricity Production.
In some US States, the impact of these insatiable energy demands are causing challenges - Whether it is availability of power for new Data Center projects or the increasing energy price to consumers, or the evaluation of separate energy creation technologies, like Nuclear power, to fill the gap.
Microsoft’s 20-year agreement for 100% of the energy produced at the Three-Mile Island Nuclear plant is an indication of the severity of the problem. Un-mothballing Three-Mile Island will take less time to complete than build a new energy supply!
This trend of Information Technology-driven (Data center/Cloud, Crypto Mining, Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning) exponential energy consumption will have a major impact on our lives.
Just think about how many computer devices are now in your household and connected to the Internet? What percentage of your persistent electricity consumption is related to your Phones, Computers, Tablets, Smart TVs, WiFi routers, Gaming consols, extra screens, home offices, printers etc… ? Plus, your cloud storage on your Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive, Dropbox or other… it all adds up.
This table outlines the United States Data Center Power Usage 2020-2028. It highlights the growth in Data Center & AI Critical Power consumption.
Forward Error Correction (FEC)
An ever-present capability found in ALL technologies is called Forward Error Correction (FEC). FEC ensures that the data sent from point A to point B arrives in its entirety and if any data “block” is missing, the FEC can rebuild the missing block from intelligence found within that FEC process.
Additional awesomeness in FEC is that it operates at “line speed”. It goes as fast as the pipe / network / fiber / link can handle. Think: driving on the highway at the maximum speed the highway can handle rather than the highest speed you can drive!
So every Block of data is sent via the FEC process and then travels across the link to the recipient. IPK® “hijacks” that process a little bit, like a piggy back, and encodes (encrypts) the data in the same FEC process.
No Extra Compute
No Extra Energy
No Encoding Latency
This is what we call a “5-bagger”!
We believe that adopting our IPK® protocols will directly reduce compute cycles and energy by a massive 10%-20% in Data Centers / Cloud computing environments and allow energy strategists to buy more time to resolve the approaching energy deficit crisis.
This and other IPK® innovations will profoundly impact the energy consumption in AI / ML environments too! So reach out to IPK® for a discussion on how we can further “move the needle” across all these environments.